
Anytime Eggnog Bread Recipe — 12 Comments

  1. Instead of half & half what can i use. I don’t use milk products cause i am Lactose intolerant. I use almond milk and coconut cream.

    • Gary, I was hoping you’d see this because you’d mentioned how much you liked this bread. Let me know what you think of it. I’m planning on doing a side-by-side taste off during the holidays.

  2. I use warm liquids, about 80-90F.
    Depending where you live 80F might be room temp.
    I don’t want to leave the milk out for a long time, so I warm it in the microwave.
    But only WARM. I target to get the liquid (milk,water,juice,etc.) to 80-90F, as measured with a dial kitchen thermometer (after I stirred the liquid to eliminate hot/cold spots).

    I think I used 70% power for 20 seconds.
    But YOU need to test with YOUR microwave to determine the power and time settings.

    I started doing this because my 1st bread machine did not pre-heat.
    I think the cold liquids did not let the yeast ferment as fast, and I got short loafs. It’s been a while and I am writing from memory.
    I also warmed the pan with 100F water, so that the cold pan does not suck the heat out of the warmed liquids.

    My 2nd, an older Zojirushi does have a warmer, but I got into the habit of warming things up, so I just kept doing it.

  3. Thank You for another wonderful recipe. I have a question and want to know if I should use room temp or warm 1/2 half as my Wolfgang BM says to use warm liq on all their bread machine recipe’s.

    Thank you again..

    • Good question! My Zo heats everything up for me so I don’t need to worry about this. I’d try room temperature half and half as heating may curdle it. Let me know if this works as I’m sure you’re not the only one wondering about this.

  4. I love your bread machine recipes! I make a loaf of your Hawaiian Bread every week! Now I can’t wait to try the Eggnog Bread.

    • Thanks so much for the kind words. Let me know what you think about the Anytime Eggnog Bread. I can’t wait for the holidays. Then we’ll do side-by-side taste testing.

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